Meet the Team

Oceans of Images: A family affair

Rich Howard

Co-Founder and Lead Photographer/Videography

Rich is more comfortable behind the lens than infront of it. This soft spoken, but funny guy is a master at capturing the true personality of his underwater subjects. His endless patience is not only a key factor in how he gets the perfect shot, but also lends to being an amazing instructor at the subtle of art of underwater photography. A retired PADI instructor, Nikon Professional Photographer and superb husband and father, Rich loves nothing better than sharing his view of the ocean through his lens.

Laura Howard

Co-Founder and Lead Editor, Content Creation/ Design and Videography

Laura is the more vocal partner of this husband and wife team. Laura takes the lead in content creation, video editing and public speaking, she enjoys creating fun trip videos and silly vlogs. Laura started out as her carrier in marine mammal training and enjoys capturing shots of animal behavior, especially when it comes to playtime. Laura is the creator of the clothing line, FishAtude and is ever finding ways to use Rich's imagery in more and creative ways.

Zach Howard

Marine Biologist, Video Creation, Scientific Content, Research

A graduate of Florida International University in Marine Biology, with a sub-speciality in coral genetics, Zach is a powerhouse when it comes to scientific background. A virtual encyloypedia of anything marine, Zach has an uncanny knack for capturing amazing animal behaviors. From "walking" coconut octopus to leaping bottlenose dolphins, marine animals seem to find Zach as interesting as he does.

Active with conservational efforts to include working on Reef Renewal in Bonaire, sharks and orcas in the Galapagos and sea turtles in Madagascar, Zach is our true, on staff researcher who's work has been utilized in conservational efforts across the globe.

Rachael Howard

Videographer, Underwater model, Video Editing and Research

Perfect buoyancy and a un-human like low consumption of nitrox air while diving, make Rachael our perfect underwater model. Without fear, she has poised with Great White Sharks, hundreds of bull rays and the occasional "nippy sea lion, making her grace underwater a beautiful composition in any underwater shot. As our lead public relations person and trip host, Rachael spends her free time working as a lab assistant at the University of Florida with intentions of attending medical school next year.